Saturday 26 November 2016

Yemeni Students Protest in Lebanon

Beirut, 23 Nov - A painful combination of war impact and Yemen’s divided state(S)’ failing administration has left dozens of Yemeni students in Lebanon in a tragic situation. It’s been almost 2 years since these students and others have been holding a sit-in demo inside the Yemeni embassy in Beirut, demanding to receive their financial support which they were promised to get along the scholarships they obtained from Yemen’s Vocational Ministry. With Zero financial support, the students have nothing for food, medicine, shelter, etc.

I met some of them yesterday in my quick visit to Lebanon; my full report will be published soon. In the meantime, watch/read Sama'a’s coverage of the students’ plight from last year:

Yemeni Embassy - Beirut.

I heard heartbreaking stories of how some of the students did not afford to renew their student residency and were put in prision in Lebanon for few days before the embassy intervened. "We were the top in our class, and that's why we got a scholarship to come to Lebanon and study. Then, we found ourselves seen as criminals here," says one student.

The students have been surviving with whatever charity given by some business men - and they depend on cooking at the embassy hall

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