With the World Economic Forum's 2017 Global Gender Gap Report findings telling us that gender parity is over 200 years away - there has never been a more important time to keep motivated and #PressforProgress. And with global activism for women's equality fuelled by movements like #MeToo, #TimesUp and more - there is a strong global momentum striving for gender parity.
And while we know that gender parity won't happen overnight, the good news is that across the world women are making positive gains day by day. Plus, there's indeed a very strong and growing global movement of advocacy, activism and support.
So we can't be complacent. Now, more than ever, there's a strong call-to-action to press forward and progress gender parity. A strong call to #PressforProgress. A strong call to motivate and unite friends, colleagues and whole communities to think, act and be gender inclusive.
International Women's Day is not country, group or organisation specific. The day belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. So together, let's all be tenacious in accelerating gender parity. Collectively, let's all Press for Progress.
Collectively we can all play a part
Collective action and shared responsibility for driving gender parity is what makes International Women's Day successful. Gloria Steinem, world-renowned feminist, journalist and activist once explained "The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organisation but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights."
Started by the Suffragettes in the early 1900's, the first International Women's Day was celebrated in 1911. International Women's Day belongs to all communities everywhere - governments, companies, charities, educational institutions, networks, associations, the media and more. Whether through a global conference, community gathering, classroom lesson or dinner table conversation - everyone can play a purposeful part in pressing for gender parity.
So make International Women's Day YOUR day and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women.
2018 IWD partnership opportunities open
If your organisation is interested in learning more about IWD sponsorship, please make contact as soon as possible.
Send us your #PressforProgress pictures
Want us to promote and amplify your support for accelerating gender parity? Send us your best #PressforProgress pictures showing your commitment to gender parity and we'll be sharing some of the most engaging images on the IWD website and via social media channels.
2017 IWD campaign theme was #BeBoldforChange
For International Women's Day 2017 and beyond, individuals and organisations were encouraged to #BeBoldforChange by taking ground breaking action that truly drives the greatest change for women. Many influencers around the world committed to bold action to accelerate gender parity, acknowledging their responsibility to do what they can to forge a more gender inclusive world. Have you submitted your #BeBoldforChange action yet?
Back in 2016, organisations and individuals around the world were invited to support the #PledgeforParity campaign and commit to helping women and girls achieve their ambitions; challenge conscious and unconscious bias; call for gender-balanced leadership; value women and men's contributions equally; and create inclusive flexible cultures. From awareness raising to concrete action, organisations rallied their people to pledge support to help forge gender parity on International Women’s Day (IWD) and beyond.
Each one of us - with women, men and non-binary people joining forces - can be a leader within our own spheres of influence by taking bold pragmatic action to accelerate gender parity. Through purposeful collaboration, we can help women advance and unleash the limitless potential offered to economies the world over. We have urgent work to do - together!
Looking for International Women's Day resources and support?
International Women's Day 2018 resources will soon be made available. However, in the meantime you can:
Submit your events or publish a page.
Read International Women's Day news from across the world ... and more.
Watch the International Women's Day videos or use them as an inspiring resource at events.
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